Arron Taylor has been named ‘Student of the Year Award 2018’ by D

Arron Taylor has been named ‘Student of the Year Award 2018’ by D

As part of the National Quality Month which is staged every year in November, David Hutchins Innovation is delighted to announce the winner of the ‘Student of the Year Award 2018’. Selected from a strong pool of candidates, Arron Taylor who works for Schlumberger Ecuador, completed the five unit Quality Fundamentals course in just 6 weeks and is now studying the Diploma qualification.

David Hutchins, Chairman and Principal, said “Arron was selected because he has exemplified commitment and determination to complete and pass the Quality Fundamentals course and shown a positive attitude throughout, despite working in various locations around the world which must have proved a challenge. He has clearly demonstrated the outstanding qualities and the spirit we look for and would like to foster in all our students”.  

Speaking about his experience, Arron said “when news broke that the CQI were discontinuing the CQI qualification and that DHI were offering an online/assignment based Diploma in Quality Leadership it seemed the perfect match.  I could submit assignments while I was away with work, at home or on vacation”.    “I’m speechless and overwhelmed, it has still not sunk in,” Arron said when asked how he felt about winning the award.  “The award is dedicated to my mother Lynn who always encouraged me to work hard and believe in myself, she will be immensely proud”.   Juggling study and work always presents its challenges and Arron works in various locations around the world. “The main challenge is time and fatigue, studying through lunch and in the evening can take its toll, however I feel I have grown into managing my time more effectively.   By dedicating a set time period with a cut off point has definitely improved my learning”.    Asked what Arron’s hopes are for the future, “I have set my goals high, my aim is to complete the remaining units by the end of 2020 and then move onto the Higher Diploma”.   

The concept of ‘Quality Month’ originated in Japan in the late 1950’s but remained there until the late 1970’s when the world woke up to the role of ‘Quality’ in Japan’s post war transformation to almost global domination in market after market through the production of superior quality products at competitive prices. After that, the world began copying concepts which originated in post war Japan and this included the concept of National Quality Month which is staged every year in November. All of the in-company employee awards, awareness programmes, National and International Quality Awards are made during this month and companies across the country display quality banners and flags to demonstrate their commitment to quality.

For more information, please contact: David Hutchins Innovation, Orchard House, Charlton Mackrell, Somerton, Somerset, TA11 6AN. Tel: 01458 224040, Email: